How do I enable Face ID for Passwatch?

  1. Once you download Passwatch for the very first time and open it you will be asked to sign in with your email and your Passwatch Master Password that you created during the enrolling period. 
  2. After placing that information in, you will be asked to create a Passwatch Passcode. 
  3. Once you have created that, you will be asked to enable Face ID.

To enable Face ID after deactivating it:

  1. Go to your iPhone settings.
  2. Scroll down to “Face ID & Passcode,” or you can search it in the top search bar.
  3. Tap on Face ID & Passcode and enter your iPhone passcode. 
  4. Tap on “Other Apps”
    • You can see all your apps that have requested to use Face ID for authentication. 
  5. Toggle Passwatch on
    • The next time you log out and log in, Face ID will ask for authentication.