1. First you need to logging in with your email address and Master Password, the below given screen will appear.
2. Now click on ADD ACCOUNTS, and the below-given screen will appear.
3. Now enter the title, website URL, your user login (which will come by default), and a password.
Here you can find 2 options - Check password and Generate password
⦁ Check password: To verify whether this password has been revealed in any of the online data breaches.
⦁ Generate password: To click on generate password, you can automatically create strong and unique passwords for the specific websites ULR you have provided.
So sit back and let PassWatch do its work!
Note: You will find favorite account and auto-login both options. You can choose both, as per your choice.
4. Click SAVE and PassWatch will show you which sites you have added, and with a (+) sign, it will give you options to add more accounts.
Note: Whenever you sign in to any website, PassWatch will give you a pop-up asking, "Do you want to save the password?" You can save it for later use or choose the option Not Now.