How do I add an account to PassWatch on Mac?

1. First you need to logging in with your email address and Master Password, the below given screen will appear.

PassWatch image ss 9.png

2. Now click on ADD ACCOUNTS, and the below-given screen will appear.

PassWatch image ss 10.png

3. Now enter the title, website URL, your user login (which will come by default), and a password.
Here you can find 2 options - Check password and Generate password
Check password: To verify whether this password has been revealed in any of the online data breaches.
Generate password: To click on generate password, you can automatically create strong and unique passwords for the specific websites ULR you have provided. 

PassWatch image ss 13.png

So sit back and let PassWatch do its work!
Note: You will find favorite account and auto-login both options. You can choose both, as per your choice. 

PassWatch image ss 14.png

4. Click SAVE and PassWatch will show you which sites you have added, and with a (+) sign, it will give you options to add more accounts.
Note: Whenever you sign in to any website, PassWatch will give you a pop-up asking, "Do you want to save the password?" You can save it for later use or choose the option Not Now.